******Best Short Documentary Film award winner at the London City Film Festival 2021..... is ..........drum roll.........................Rwanda: Beyond the Swamp.
In April 1994, my Colleague and friend Stephen Dupont and I illegally crossed the border into Rwanda to document and report on the atrocities that shocked the world. We witnessed the carnage of tens of thousands; in the streets, in fields, swamps, and in churches. What we saw and documented inexplicably changed our lives forever.
Twenty-five years later, I returned to Rwanda wondering, 'can a country find light out of such pervasive darkness'?
What I did find is a nation regenerated under the authoritarian leadership of Paul Kagame. 'Beyond the Swamp' tells Rwanda's remarkable success story and looks at the difficult choices to be made between memory and forgetting.
X-Photographer Jack Picone travels with Fujifilm's X-T4 documenting life and the belief systems of the Nepalese People.
“In April of 2018, Jack Picone gave a presentation to an audience of 700 that would leave everyone speechless. A life's works somehow squashed into an hour.” ~ Aperture Australia
Multimedia: “1200 Miles Life and Death on The Thai-Burma Border” is a précis of work from a five-year Documentary Photography project highlighting human rights abuses along the Thai-Burma Border.
This multimedia highlights the compelling work of the students who took part in a Reportage Workshop in Kathmandu, 2011.
Meander around Yangon’s (formerly Rangoon), Myanmar (formerly Burma) backstreets and train lines with photographer Jack Picone.
Stephen Dupont and Jack Picone give an overview of what to expect on a Reportage Photography Workshop this time in one of our favourite workshop destinations — Kathmandu, Nepal. ~
[V.] A selection of students’ work from our Kathmandu Sept. 2017 Reportage Workshop. Students were asked to select [5, V, Five] photographs (from their entire edit) that resonated with them.