‘Amazing Scotland’ Oban, Argyll & Bute, Scotland.
Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.

Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.

Millacre, Linne Mhuirich, Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
Linne Mhuirich, Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
Linne Mhuirich, Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.

Keils, Argyll & Bute, West Scotland.

Bull’s back # 2 Tayvallich, Scotland.

Bull’s back # 1 Tayvallich, Scotland.

#1 Roadkill, Tayvallich. Argyll & Bute.

#2 Roadkill, Argyll & Bute.

#3 Roadkill, Tayvallich. Argyll & Bute.

Sheep's scull along the B8025 towards Keills. West Coast Scotland.
Keills, Argyll & Bute.

Cloudscape. Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute. Scotland.

Skyscape. Tayvallich, West Scotland.
Jet over Tayvallich #1 Argyll & Bute.

Jet over Tayvallich #2 Argyll & Bute.
Jet over Tayvallich #3 Argyll & Bute.

Jet over Tayvallich #4 Argyll & Bute.
'Cemetery & Vapor Trail' Tarbert Argyll & Bute.

‘Vapour Trail' Millacres, Argyll & Bute, West Scotland.

Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
B8025, Lochgilphead. Argyll & Bute.

‘Round About.’ Lochgilphead. Argyll & Bute.
B841, Lochgilphead, Argyll & Bute.
Inveraray, Argyll & Bute.
Keils, Argyll & Bute.

Jura Island, Argyll & Bute. Jura is known for its soaring mountains, delectable whisky, swirling whirlpool, George Orwell and a local population of just 200 people who are outnumbered hugely by over 5,000 wild deer.

Loch Sween is a sea loch located near Lochgilphead, Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Jura Island, Argyll & Bute. Jura is known for its soaring mountains, delectable whisky, swirling whirlpools and local population of just 200 people who are outnumbered hugely by over 5,000 wild deer.

God Light. The Sound of Jura. West Coast, Scotland.

Jetty, Tayvallich. Argyll & Bute.

Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.

Sheep's scull along the B8025 towards Keills. West Coast Scotland.

'Winter Trees' Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.

'Winter Trees' Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
'Winter Trees' Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.

Taynish National Nature Reserve, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.

Taynish National Nature Reserve, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.
'Winter Trees' Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
'Snow Flurry' Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.

Fallen trees, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead, Scotland.

Fallen Trees, Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Taynish National Nature Reserve, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.

Inveraray, Argyll & Bute.
Taynish National Nature Reserve, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.

Taynish National Nature Reserve, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.

Trees, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.

Taynish National Nature Reserve, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.
Taynish National Nature Reserve, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.

Taynish National Nature Reserve, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.

Lochgilphead, Argyll and Bute.

Tayvallich Village Hall. Tayvallich, West Coast Scotland.
‘Home.’ Our small stone crofter’s cottage on the shore of Linne Mhuirich, Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.

‘From The Bedroom Widow.’ Our small stone crofter’s cottage on the shore of Linne Mhuirich, Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.

Summer sun, Millacre cottage. West Coast Scotland.
Stars over Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.

Window # 1 'Inclement.' Ferry to Isle of Mull. West Scotland.

Window # 2 'Sound and Sea.' Ferry to Isle of Mull. West Scotland.

Window # 3 'Calm.' Ferry to Isle of Mull. West Scotland.

'Sea View' Hotel room. Isle of Mull, West Scotland.

My winter shadow. Tayvallich. Argyll & Bute.

'Ash' Ash from the fireplace thrown on the grass. Millacre, Argyll and Bute, West Scotland. The jury is 'still out' concerning wood's 'green credentials.' There is a positive by-product of throwing wood ash on your grass or garden, it changes the pH of the soil. Wood ashes will raise the pH and lower the acid in the soil.

Mooring buoys, Loch Linne Mhuirich, West Scotland.

Mist on the water, Loch Linne Mhuirich, Tayvallich, West Scotland.

Loch Linne Mhuirich, Millacre, West Scotland.

Clouds on car window. West coast, Scotland.

Dog in the drivers seat. Tayvallich, west coast Scotland.

The Sound of Jura. West Coast, Scotland.

Cafe on the island of Jura. West coast, Scotland.

The Sound of Jura. West Coast, Scotland.

The Sound of Jura. West Coast, Scotland.

House-front, Jura Island. West Coast, Scotland.

Jura Island, Argyll & Bute. Jura is known for its soaring mountains, delectable whisky, swirling whirlpool, George Orwell and a local population of just 200 people who are outnumbered hugely by over 5,000 wild deer.

The Sound of Jura. West Coast, Scotland.

Pub, Jura Island. West Coast, Scotland.

House window. Tarbert, Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Fallen Trees, Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Wind in the trees along the B8025 towards Keills. West Coast Scotland.

Fallen Trees, Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Couple, and seagull Inveraray, Argyll and Bute ,Scotland.

‘Beats.’ Riding the bus. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Inside outside world. On the bus. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Fly and Seagull. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Fish & Chips. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Mackerel caught in the Sound of Jura being prepared for the nights meal.

The Sound of Jura. West Coast, Scotland.

Red sail boat, the Sound of Jura. West Coast, Scotland.

Oban Harbour. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Side of a yacht in dry dock. Carsaig, Tayvalich.

Oban Town. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

‘Reflection Place.’ Tayvallich. On the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Sacha to school. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Lone tree, Carsaig, Tayvalich.

Puddle on the B8025, Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

West coast, Scotland.

On the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Geese. On the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Poles. On the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Rainbow along the B8025 towards Tayvallich. West Coast Scotland.

Down the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Down the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

‘Low Winter Sun’ along the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

‘Low Winter Sun’ along the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Dolphin Cloud. On the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Telegrath poles along the B8025 towards Keills. West Coast Scotland.

The 'blue hour' along B8025. West Coast, Scotland.

On the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.

Taynish National Nature Reserve. West Coast, Scotland

‘Amazing Scotland’ Oban, Argyll & Bute, Scotland.
Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
Millacre, Linne Mhuirich, Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
Linne Mhuirich, Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
Linne Mhuirich, Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
Keils, Argyll & Bute, West Scotland.
Bull’s back # 2 Tayvallich, Scotland.
Bull’s back # 1 Tayvallich, Scotland.
#1 Roadkill, Tayvallich. Argyll & Bute.
#2 Roadkill, Argyll & Bute.
#3 Roadkill, Tayvallich. Argyll & Bute.
Sheep's scull along the B8025 towards Keills. West Coast Scotland.
Keills, Argyll & Bute.
Cloudscape. Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute. Scotland.
Skyscape. Tayvallich, West Scotland.
Jet over Tayvallich #1 Argyll & Bute.
Jet over Tayvallich #2 Argyll & Bute.
Jet over Tayvallich #3 Argyll & Bute.
Jet over Tayvallich #4 Argyll & Bute.
'Cemetery & Vapor Trail' Tarbert Argyll & Bute.
‘Vapour Trail' Millacres, Argyll & Bute, West Scotland.
Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
B8025, Lochgilphead. Argyll & Bute.
‘Round About.’ Lochgilphead. Argyll & Bute.
B841, Lochgilphead, Argyll & Bute.
Inveraray, Argyll & Bute.
Keils, Argyll & Bute.
Jura Island, Argyll & Bute. Jura is known for its soaring mountains, delectable whisky, swirling whirlpool, George Orwell and a local population of just 200 people who are outnumbered hugely by over 5,000 wild deer.
Loch Sween is a sea loch located near Lochgilphead, Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Jura Island, Argyll & Bute. Jura is known for its soaring mountains, delectable whisky, swirling whirlpools and local population of just 200 people who are outnumbered hugely by over 5,000 wild deer.
God Light. The Sound of Jura. West Coast, Scotland.
Jetty, Tayvallich. Argyll & Bute.
Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
Sheep's scull along the B8025 towards Keills. West Coast Scotland.
'Winter Trees' Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
'Winter Trees' Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
'Winter Trees' Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
Taynish National Nature Reserve, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.
Taynish National Nature Reserve, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.
'Winter Trees' Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
'Snow Flurry' Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
Fallen trees, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead, Scotland.
Fallen Trees, Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Taynish National Nature Reserve, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.
Inveraray, Argyll & Bute.
Taynish National Nature Reserve, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.
Taynish National Nature Reserve, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.
Trees, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.
Taynish National Nature Reserve, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.
Taynish National Nature Reserve, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.
Taynish National Nature Reserve, Argyll and Bute, Lochgilphead.
Lochgilphead, Argyll and Bute.
Tayvallich Village Hall. Tayvallich, West Coast Scotland.
‘Home.’ Our small stone crofter’s cottage on the shore of Linne Mhuirich, Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
‘From The Bedroom Widow.’ Our small stone crofter’s cottage on the shore of Linne Mhuirich, Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
Summer sun, Millacre cottage. West Coast Scotland.
Stars over Tayvallich, Argyll & Bute.
Window # 1 'Inclement.' Ferry to Isle of Mull. West Scotland.
Window # 2 'Sound and Sea.' Ferry to Isle of Mull. West Scotland.
Window # 3 'Calm.' Ferry to Isle of Mull. West Scotland.
'Sea View' Hotel room. Isle of Mull, West Scotland.
My winter shadow. Tayvallich. Argyll & Bute.
'Ash' Ash from the fireplace thrown on the grass. Millacre, Argyll and Bute, West Scotland. The jury is 'still out' concerning wood's 'green credentials.' There is a positive by-product of throwing wood ash on your grass or garden, it changes the pH of the soil. Wood ashes will raise the pH and lower the acid in the soil.
Mooring buoys, Loch Linne Mhuirich, West Scotland.
Mist on the water, Loch Linne Mhuirich, Tayvallich, West Scotland.
Loch Linne Mhuirich, Millacre, West Scotland.
Clouds on car window. West coast, Scotland.
Dog in the drivers seat. Tayvallich, west coast Scotland.
The Sound of Jura. West Coast, Scotland.
Cafe on the island of Jura. West coast, Scotland.
The Sound of Jura. West Coast, Scotland.
The Sound of Jura. West Coast, Scotland.
House-front, Jura Island. West Coast, Scotland.
Jura Island, Argyll & Bute. Jura is known for its soaring mountains, delectable whisky, swirling whirlpool, George Orwell and a local population of just 200 people who are outnumbered hugely by over 5,000 wild deer.
The Sound of Jura. West Coast, Scotland.
Pub, Jura Island. West Coast, Scotland.
House window. Tarbert, Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Fallen Trees, Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Wind in the trees along the B8025 towards Keills. West Coast Scotland.
Fallen Trees, Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Couple, and seagull Inveraray, Argyll and Bute ,Scotland.
‘Beats.’ Riding the bus. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Inside outside world. On the bus. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Fly and Seagull. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Fish & Chips. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Mackerel caught in the Sound of Jura being prepared for the nights meal.
The Sound of Jura. West Coast, Scotland.
Red sail boat, the Sound of Jura. West Coast, Scotland.
Oban Harbour. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Side of a yacht in dry dock. Carsaig, Tayvalich.
Oban Town. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
‘Reflection Place.’ Tayvallich. On the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Sacha to school. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Lone tree, Carsaig, Tayvalich.
Puddle on the B8025, Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
West coast, Scotland.
On the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Geese. On the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Poles. On the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Rainbow along the B8025 towards Tayvallich. West Coast Scotland.
Down the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Down the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
‘Low Winter Sun’ along the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
‘Low Winter Sun’ along the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Dolphin Cloud. On the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Telegrath poles along the B8025 towards Keills. West Coast Scotland.
The 'blue hour' along B8025. West Coast, Scotland.
On the B8025. Argyll and Bute, Scotland.
Taynish National Nature Reserve. West Coast, Scotland